
Weekend with DeDe

DeDe came to visit EC for a long weekend and they had so much fun!!  It had been almost 2 months since they had seen each other, but Emmy Cate warmed right up to DeDe. 

One afternoon, we ventured out to do a little shopping but managed to get Emmy Cate to pose for some pictures before we left.  She has gotten pretty ticklish pretty much everywhere – feet, belly, her little chubby thighs – so to get those smiles out of her, I’m tickling her in the second picture.

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It is an understatement to say that she is O.B.S.E.S.S.E.D. with the ball popper (Bits thinks it’s pretty cool too).  The second she hears the music stop on it, she immediately reaches to bang the “on” lever down (see the second picture).  She also knows to put the balls back in the toy so she doesn’t run out of balls!!  This thing is generally going nonstop at our house if she is awake!

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Over the weekend, the weather was gorgeous – mid-60’s and sunny – so we made a trip to our neighborhood park, where Emmy Cate got to swing, slide, and meet a whole girl scout troop!  She was VERY interested in everything around her, which made it IMPOSSIBLE to get a good shot of her.  Smiling?  Maybe.  Looking at the camera?  Nope.  Looking at the camera and smiling?  Not in this lifetime.

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She didn’t know what to think about the slide, but she sure was excited to see a sea of wonderful things at the bottom to chew on.  Yes, we are talking about wood chips and pine needles!!  Delish!!


Here’s hoping to many more gorgeous park days ahead!!!


Anonymous said...

How beautiful she is and so is the sunshine. Hopefully spring is coming soon.

DeDe said...

We had so much fun. She has so much personality and likes to keep busy. She giggled in that swing, although we had to put her in backwards as she prefers to lean forward and look out!!

Sally said...

She was cute from the start, but she just keeps getting cuter! I can't wait to see what the hair will look like ;-)