Today is Emmy Cate’s last day in her class at school that she has been in for the past year! She has learned so much there as a 1 year old … to talk, run, jump, climb, colors, numbers, letters, and the list goes on!! She has a great group of friends and we are happy that they will all be joining her in the two year old room down the hall!
I met her new teachers and they seem so wonderful!! They are going to have a great time in their new room where they have their own cubbies, access to a much larger playground, and even a computer in their room!! Potty training will be in full force from Day1, they aren’t allowed to drink out of sippy cups, no “crutches” during naptime, they eat meals family style and serve themselves (heaven help those poor teachers), and my two favorite things – they start Spanish lessons and ballet! Can you tell I’m slightly excited?
Last week was the End of Year party where the kids bounced, decorated cookies, ate plenty of goodies, danced, and played with 3 bubble machines! (Bad picture alert: I forgot the real camera so these are from my phone with poor lighting)
The attempt at a group picture and trying to round up all of the munchkins:
Until Emmy Cate had had enough ….
So I thought this day would never, ever come, but Emmy Cate has actually started sitting still for the first time in 26 months!! She finally decided that watching tv was worth it and I bet I have heard “Wanna watch ______ (insert one of 3 shows: Mickey, Dora, or Curious George) on the TV” a million times already. Here is the proof …. three separate days I caught her entranced …. Can you believe it??!!!
No idea why she has that paci in her mouth or where she got that!