Papaw came to visit this weekend and Emmy Cate was beyond excited to see him! As usual, she didn’t want anything to do with Mommy and Daddy once a new playmate was in the house.
Before Papaw got into town, we hung out on the deck with some friends after a round of golf. Since it has been in the 60-70s for the past couple of weeks, Emmy Cate has really gotten hooked on golf cart rides and was happy to take one with our friends.
Once Papaw arrived, it was on! He wasn’t afraid of getting down on the floor to horse around, and Emmy Cate wasted no time taking advantage of that!
We also couldn’t pass up another opportunity to ride on the golf cart, so Nathan and Papaw took her out for another ride to enjoy yet another beautiful day on Sunday.
Emmy Cate got completely wound up on Sunday night and had Papaw running, chasing, and climbing and crawling around on the floor. She thought it was the best – can you tell??!!
Before leaving, Emmy Cate just had to check out Papaw’s “new” motorcycle … the Blue Bandit we call it!!
After eating lunch and saying our goodbyes, we went to the golf store and EC looked up at me and asked “Where’d Papaw go?” It’s probably the first real question she has ever asked us. She is starting to catch on to that whole “subject-verb” thing. Her other favorite sentences “Papaw go home” and “Papaw ride bike”.
Happy President’s Day! Arrivederci long weekend!