Happy Birthday to my two sweet neices!! They turned 2 last week and we headed up to NC for the weekend for their party. Although it was a short trip (we got in late Friday night and left Sunday morning), we had fun celebrating with the girls.
They had a mini pool party so the girls all donned their suits and shades and got in some soaking time before the rain came! It got really humid and ended up raining, which meant that EC’s hair was a crazy, curly mess!!
Emmy Cate met some new friends and hung out with some friends that she hadn’t seen since M&M’s party since last year! This is actually a really crazy “it’s such a small world” story. The little girl driving the car below is Taylor, who is the daughter of a friend of mine from elementary school! My friend Abby grew up in Germantown, went to UT, moved to NC, met my sister-in-law and they became great friends. What a crazy coincidence that now we all have two year olds and we see them at least once a year in NC!
Taylor was the first brave 2 year old party guest to get a handle on driving the jeep. There were many stops and starts, and a few run-ins with chairs, tables, bushes and cars!! EC couldn’t resist and got in on the action too, but at 2 mph, she still couldn’t keep it under control and went barreling into me and the trash cans! I’m thinking this might be a Christmas present idea; maybe she can get a hang of it then??!!
I had to include this picture of her swinging at Mamaw and Papaw’s house, she LOVED the swing and would not get out. She also had fun getting dirty in the garden picking tomatoes, but I didn’t get any pictures of that.
Happy Birthday Macy & Makayla!!!