Emmy Cate had her first official sick day and had to stay home from school. :( Her teacher called yesterday and said she had a fever and was just pitiful. Nathan sprinted off to get her and he took her straight to the doc. It turned out she had an ear infection in her left ear. Nothing a little amoxicillin can’t clear up!! So, only about 12 days into my new job, I had to take the afternoon off today to watch her.
Thankfully, Emmy Cate had a pretty good day today. Dad said the morning was a little rough, but she was a real sweetheart this afternoon and evening. I think it’s back to school in the morning. Both Nathan and I aren’t feeling 100% either but we are resting up for a VERY exciting weekend!! We planned a last minute trip to Hilton Head for Friday and Saturday night. Not only will this be my first night spent away from home in 7 months (ridiculous), but it will be the very first (and second) night spent away from Emmy Cate! I’m not sure I’ll even know how to act. Hopefully, I am still capable of sleeping in past 7 in the mornings! I plan to take full advantage!!
I snuck in a mommy/daughter shot
Nice mullet shot ….. to cut or not to cut?
She was allowed the paci’s because she was sicko :( And jammies all day :)
Hope she is feeling much better today. Love the pic of her sitting on cushions!
sounds like a big weekend ahead! Enjoy!
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