So, as many of you know, I recently landed myself a brand spanking new job. You heard right, no more diapers and musical toys, I’m going back to the land of high heels and watercooler gossip. For those that haven’t heard, I took a job in Buckhead at a company called Air Serv Corporation. They provide a lot of the peripheral services to airlines at airports around the nation and internationally. The job market has really had a fire lit under it in the past month which means jobs have been coming at me left and right. After much deliberation and plenty of interviews and phone conversations, I landed at the best fit (*I think* – I’ve only been there 2 days!!) It should be a pretty decent gig, mostly because I am expecting to work pretty close to a 40 hour week. For my profession, this is almost UNHEARD of!
Emmy Cate is going to school at a private Christian school that is a few minutes from the house. Being the social butterfly that she is, she loves getting to interact with the other kids. Also, she is now walking exclusively so that’s good news for her poor knees!! She is still moving slowly and so we haven’t had to chase her much YET. However, she does want to get down everywhere to walk around when we are out so that has been a challenge!
Emmy Cate also wants to wish all the dads a very HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!!
Congrats on the job, I hope it works well for you. And go EC - she'll be running soon!
Oh and Happy Father's Day to Nathan :-)
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