
Children’s Museum

DeDe was in town last weekend for a long weekend to hang out with Emmy Cate for a couple of days while her school was closed to transition the classrooms.  As I mentioned before, Emmy Cate moved to a toddler room this past Monday.  DeDe and EC had a blast playing and keeping busy on Thursday and Friday. 

On Saturday, we headed out for the aquarium, but settled for the Children’s Museum after we realized how incredibly crazy the lines for the aquarium can get.  The Children’s Museum was pretty packed, but you could at least get a ticket and get inside to escape this insane heat!!  EC had a BLAST!  I highly recommend this place for anyone that has a kid from walking age up to probably 10.  There were a million kids running around and tons of gadgets and shows and things for them to play with. 

Here is EC entering and looking around wondering what this is all about!  After she was let loose, she and Daddy played and learned about electricity and turning off switches and lights when you aren’t using them.

in aweplay with daddy

We played on climbing structures and slides with Daddy, then we played some blocks with Mommy and DeDe.  Mostly, the latter included taking apart any blocks and throwing them on the floor, but who’s to say that’s wrong?

By this point, Daddy had tucked her dress into her bloomers … such a lovely look!!

tunnel 3 generations

Next up was a smaller kids play area with stuff to climb on and over, and even a little “waterbed” for kids to experience.  Let’s just say in the 2 and under area, EC dominated (are you surprised??!!) and just kind of steamrolled other kids.  It doesn’t hurt that she is a good few inches taller than other kids!  She is really into dancing now and will do it on command.  She is dancing in the pic on the left. 

bridgeEC crawl

We also investigated farm animals …. see how Emmy Cate is pointing at the udders that you can milk on this cow!  Haha!!

 cow EC close up 

We had to put a paci in her mouth most of the time, or else everything she found … blocks, balls, toys …. trash …. eventually made it’s way into her mouth.

There was even a water feature where the kids could “catch” fish with their magnetic fishing poles.  At this point, EC was very happy to splash in the water … and we were very happy that smocks were provided!!  Maybe next time she can go fishing!

  play pool

We had a GREAT weekend, and EC learned another new word – Uh Oh!!  So of course, she is very into dropping things just so she can use her new found language skills!!  She’s such a mess!!

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